"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

There was a devil in my house...

...or at least there was a devil in my phone line.

A few nights ago, I was having an email conversation with a good friend of mine. A friend who I've been praying for for years. We were emailing about salvation. She had some questions and I was trying my best to answer them.

I had typed the best letter you've ever read explaining God's Plan of Salvation. This was harder than I expected. I take for granted the fact that I was raised in church and grew up having The Plan explained to me on a daily basis from the time I was a baby. I knew it had to be simple...I tend to over-complicate things and make them difficult to grasp.

So, there I was. In my bedroom, typing away, when it happened. My laptop lost its internet connection. I waited a few minutes and tried to connect again. I figured it was just the laptop having issues. But no. I still couldn't connect. Not only that, but my wonderful, God-breathed email was gone, too. Then Chris came in the room, asking if I had lost my internet connection. His connection upstairs had died, too. Apparently we were expecting an internet outage.

I cannot remember a SINGLE time this has happened since we've been living in our house.

I explained to Chris what I had been doing. We looked at each other and exclaimed : "The devil's in here!"

What else could it have been? Seriously. Which brought up another question in my mind: If Satan would go through that much trouble to keep me from sending that email, God must have SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL PLAN in store for my friend. I can just see it now. She WILL get saved, if she's not already. And if she HAS already been saved, then it won't be long before she rededicates her life and really begins to go after God. After that, there will be no stopping her. And that's got the devil scared. Real scared.

So, there was a devil in my house. Or at least in my phone line. But not to worry. We prayed him out. Our internet came back. I couldn't remember all of my letter, but a friend helped me out, and it was sent. So all's good.

Now I'll just sit back and watch what happens.

1 comment:

akaMommy said...

GIRRRRL!!!!!!! Our families have GOT to get together. I'm so serious. I love LOVE LOVE knowing that you have the exact same spiritual AWARENESS as us. I love it. I love you. God is soooo good! So. So. SO GOOD!