"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Friday, June 14, 2013

Back to normal...if that's what this is!

I haven't written anything other than book reviews in for-eh-ver because things have been more than a little crazy around here.  Chris survived his first Summer Xtreme as a "staff member" at church.  I think it was a little more than he bargained for.  He worked really hard and got a little overwhelmed,  but he did it.  We are glad to have him back home with us at "normal" hours.  I had several people ask me lately if it's worth it.  "It" being Summer Xtreme and the whole "Chris working at church and never being home thing".  I guess I showed up at church a few times looking like I was going crazy.  :)

The answer is always an emphatic YES.  I hear testimonies of how kids' lives are changed and see my own children strive to follow Jesus and it makes it all worth it.  

It's all over now until next summer though, so things have calmed down for us.  We've been taking advantage of lots of free/cheap summertime deals that our area offers and we've been swimming a lot too.  Violet loves the water.  She floats around and enjoys herself and doesn't even cling to us for dear life.  I hope next summer is the same!  

Oh, and did I mention that our little girl is walking?  She took her first steps last week and is slowly getting more gutsy with it.  Cute and sad at the same time.  She's growing up.  

The boys have been surprising me lately, too. With housework.  No joke.  They've been behaving so responsibly with their chores.  I won't lie- it's so, SO nice to not have to scream and shout and threaten them to vacuum or sweep or load the dishwasher.  We take about 10 minutes three times a day and straighten everything up.  They admitted to me that this is easier than just letting everything go and doing it all at once.  Housekeeping is still not my gift but at least now we're managing it.  It's really nice.  Never thought I'd hear myself say that... I hope my mother's happy!

I have so much to catch up on... Shaun's baptism, Summer Xtreme, Jordan's shenanigans, Violet's milestones.  Tonight, though, my brain is tired and I may just go to sleep before midnight. 

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