"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I went back to the doctor today and heard good news.  God heard our prayers...my "tear" is healing!  Last week it was 4 centimeters long and today it was down to 3 centimeters.  The doctor was even more optimistic than he was last week!
Before the ultrasound, the doctor couldn't find the baby's heart beat.  Very scary, especially since the dopplar picked it up two weeks ago.  We heard it loud and clear on the ultrasound, though.
Thank you, Lord!
I was kind of surprised.  I was actually thinking I'd get the "all clear" today, But Dr C wasn't surprised at all.  He said he wasn't expecting the tear to be completely better.  So I guess I'm on target. 
Until I am completely healed, my activity is still limited.  This is harder than I thougt it would be.  I'm so grateful for my friends and family.  They've cooked, watched my kids, and organized my house.  Don't know where we'd be without 'em!

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