"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Thursday, February 5, 2015

My Little Song Bird

I can't believe it's  been over a MONTH since I've been here.  I really want to start posting regularly again.  I have lots to report-  a lot has happened already this year to my family.  But all in good time!

Today, at the request of my sister, I'm going to blog about Jordan and his newfound ability.  

He has taught himself to make bird calls, and he's really very good!

His teacher at school loves birds.  Jordan loves his teacher, and wanted to get her a real live bird for Christmas, but I talked him into settling on a bird scarf.  Mrs. Klein has a whole classroom full of bird paraphernalia...books, posters, even a clock that chirps on the hour.  This is how Jordan's ability was discovered.  I think he began mimicking the clock.  He was so good at this that his teacher thought it was time to go outside for recess.  Ha!

He told me this story when I picked him up in the carpool lane that afternoon.  And he tweeted like a little bird the whole way home.  Now, he's learned more calls for different birds.  He goes outside, hears birds, and mimics them.  His teacher says he has a gift.  He's even going to show off his gift at the school's talent show in April.

Jordan has been going around "tweeting" for several weeks.  Everyone is amazed.  He turned 9 last week, and when I went to school to bring a birthday snack, his teacher asked him to show off his gift.  I have to say, he is some kind of adorable when he does it.  His little cheeks puff in and out and he really sounds like a real live  bird.  My dad   has called him "Birdie" since the day he was born... since Jordan's name begins with J, which leads to "J Bird", and then shortened to "Birdie".  I guess the name finally fits!

I can't wait to see what kind of presentation he puts together for the talent show.  He'll probably be able to whistle like 100 birds come April.  Ha ha ha!

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