"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Third Day of School

So, today is Jordan's third day of K12.  To be clear, I have been homeschooling him on my own up until this week.  His courses weren't available to us until this past Monday, which was his official start date.  

Monday.  Just thinking about Monday makes me want to cry.  It was, without a doubt, one of the worst days I've ever  had.  It was just terrible!  I wanted to quit and do something else.  I was this close to doing just that, but I didn't.  

I know the first day is always the hardest, but there was just so much "busyness" to take care of.  I had to figure out where he was in the curriculum, since he started midyear.  We had to figure out computer software.  I literally ran from child to child the entire day.  And I cried three times.  

Basically, Jordan took up so much time that I felt like I was ignoring the other two.  Shaun was okay for the day, but Violet cried for me to play/have a tea/party/read with her all day long.  

So much guilt.  

Every homeschooling mom's nightmare.

I even emailed Jordan's homeroom teacher and told her I was freaking out.  She assured me that the first day is always hectic and that it would get easier.  

And, yesterday was a little smoother.  

Today is going along just fine.  

Everybody seems to be adjusting and I can breathe.  Also, I have time right now to write this post.  I should be folding laundry instead, but that will just have to wait.  

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Already a Whirlwind

Well, 2016 has proven to be a whirlwind already, even at only 19 days in.  

The biggest thing is that we decided to withdraw Jordan from his school after Christmas.  For a lot of reasons, the main one  being that he just wasn't happy there.  The unhappy issue has been going on for a while and I just couldn't do it anymore.  So, the morning school was back in session, we made the decision and Jordan didn't go. And everyone was happy.  

Well, I'm stressed.  

I'd agonized over this for weeks.  Lost sleep.  I spent the whole month of December worrying about this.  

The plan is to send him to public school next year, so he can play sports.  In the meantime, I'm homeschooling all three of my children again.  This is NOT what I wanted, but it's what needs to happen, so I'm dousing myself in prayer and Young Living Lavender and I'm doing okay.  :)

We enrolled Jordan in K12 for the rest of the school year.  His official first day is supposed to be next Monday.  I faxed in documents and they weren't received, so I had to send them in again.  We lost a week doing that.  No we're approved but we don't have our supplies yet.  Today, I was  hit with the bomb that I would have to administer 4 placement tests.  We knocked 2 of them out today and all of those reasons why I'm not a huge fan of public school are screaming in my face.  

Of course, it is January, so Chris and I are fasting.  Last year our fasting prayers were answered and Chris got a full time job.  This year, we're fasting about some pretty important life changing things.  That's all I can say  now.  I was driving myself nuts playing Devils Advocate and "what if we do this" but now I'm just exhausted from all of the not knowing and I've given it to God.  I know He knows what's best and He'll reveal it to us when He's ready.  

In other news, Shaun will be turning 16 in a about a month.  I can't even believe it.  

So, that's January so far. 

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

Well, I never even got used to writing "2015" and now it's 2016.  

Happy New Year!

Like almost everyone, I've spent a lot of time over the past few days reflecting over the year.  We've had ups and downs,  but the main thing that stands out to me about 2015 is how the Lord provided for us.  So many situations, most that I didn't publicize, too many to list here.  I can really become overwhelmed with gratitude if I think about just how much God has done for us over the course of 2015.  I'm grateful.

I do have a few resolutions.  First, I want to get back on track in working on my health.  I didn't lose as much weight as I wanted to last year, but I really do feel that I made a lifestyle change in regards to food.  I was being hard on myself but then I realized that I really made progress and pretty much stuck with a healthy lifestyle until November.  Then Thanksgiving happened and I've done TERRIBLY since.  I'm not focusing on that, just looking ahead, and looking forward to getting back on track.

I also want to blog more.  I really enjoy it,  but it's hard to find time or energy to do it.  

We spent New Years Eve with my parents and sister's family.  Of course, we ate too much and it was really hard for me to stay awake until midnight!

I spent today catching up on laundry.  Our dryer kicked the bucket a few days before Christmas.  My Granny was gracious enough to let use hers until we bought another one, but going over there was so stressful!  I typically do 3 loads a day.  I felt bad about using Granny's dryer so much until she told me that she only did 1 load per week.  Per week?!?!?  I can't even imagine.  Obviously, the laundry fell  behind, so I caught it up today.  And I love my new dryer.  I also spent the day doctoring Jordan's Infantigo.  Gross.

We went to my parents for New Years dinner.  
We had a good spread and went beyond the peas and greens!

Violet ended the night by pitching the mother of all temper tantrums.  She's currently in bed pouting and I hope she goes to sleep soon.  

Shaun, Jordan, and Chris are busy with Call of Duty and I'm headed to bed.  2016 has me tired out already!